Courtney S. Barr

Welcome to My Kingdom!
Join me, the Princess, on my Royal Adventures in the Land of Writing!

Thursday, July 12, 2007


I find myself feeling weird lately. Okay, here is the story. I have always had millions of story lines & dreams flitting about my mind at all times, they are just there, seeming to blur or really disintegrate the line between reality & fiction. Lately though my dreams are more & more realistic, more & more vivid, my daydreams even overwhelm me. I used to control it better, but now the story lines aren't slowing down, they are coming in at a rush. I think that in high school I wrote them down more & that helped. I guess I need to start writing my them again, buy some blank journals or start a separate blog that is just my storylines... no I am not crazy, its just my creative outlets seem to be fewer & fewer these days. Grown up life can really suck & encompass all your time. Working on my list, that part about finding the girl before the one who wrote & drew all the time, I think she is screaming in the back of my head. :) So that is the plan... Again. To work on this, I guess I thought that just saying I would do it would help, but it hasn't. Action truly is needed sometimes....
Anyway, it is July. This year has FLOWN by. My one year wedding anniversary is less than 2 months away. wow. We have so much going on these next 8 weeks. It seems that we decided to take a bunch of mini vacations & one big one. We go to the beach 3 weekends in August. 3 WEEKENDS!! One set of those weekends is an 8 day vacation!! WOOHOO!!! then we go to Houston for Labor Day. As you can tell from the first paragraph of todays blog, I need a vacation.
Marcus & I are good. We are tired, ready for beach days & just ready to be out of town relaxing, even stressful relaxation would be nice. (meaning being on vacay with the fam :) )
Well, this is quick entry no major things, but I do need to say one thing:

1 comment:

  1. Wow, your friend my be so happy to have her Birthday announced so "loudly". I'll bet she's awesome!!!


The Princess is what's up?