Courtney S. Barr

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Monday, March 18, 2013

TOP 10 MOVIE BLOGFEST...a little late but still loving the challenge...

Okay, I am a bit late to this party, but what a shindig to swing by!  Alex Cavanaugh is hosting the most awesome blog hop!!!
So my top ten…really? Just 10? In all honesty this list is a summary of the ones that cling to my frontal lobe at all times, but others sneak in here often, so if asked again at a later date you may find substitutions…Oh and I won’t apologize for my weird and eclectic list purely because the hodgepodge is me from top to bottom. ;)

1)      High Society – Grace Kelly, Bing Crosby, Frank Sinatra & Louis Armstrong. My old soul says “enough said” after that cast list. But it is more than the beautiful faces & voices of this cast. The glamour in this movie is stunning and the love triangle one for the ages of writerly romances.
2)      Empire Records – The cast is one of misfits unlike any other. They are quirky, weird, unique and altogether perfectly combined. Its storylines are very teen angst but the setting of a record store, the kind that are beyond few & far between these days, is the perfect backdrop for rebellious attitudes against “the man”. Considering the fate of record stores, it may evoke melancholy outlooks, bewarned.
3)      Emma – Gwyneth Paltrow is by far one perfect player for this matchmaker of doom role. The classic story is funny, sad, and worth every minute. The landscape is gorgeous and the costumes are lovely.
4)      EASY A – The references to classic romances Can’t Buy Me Love, Say Anything, Sixteen Candles or the Breakfast club alone have this one in my top 10. Emma Stone however delivers a snarky teen with morals, opinions and charisma in a way that I thought was lost amongst young actors today. Stanley Tucci as her father is refreshing and to see Lisa Kudrow as such a “villain” (if adultress chlamydia wielding makes you a villain) is quite entertaining.
5)      The Usual Suspects – Set aside a couple hours and just watch it.
6)      The Parent Trap – Original with Haley Mills – first of all the split screen for the capture of the twins, Disney magic at the time, is awesome. But there is a sweetness to this movie within all the mischief that evokes childhood days of outside, laughter with my siblings and the idea that parents sometimes do need to listen to their kids.
7)      McClintock – John Wayne, the wonderful Maureen O’hara (she’s fantastic as the Bostonian matron no matter what movie) deliver quips, laughs, shocks and utter fun in this western comedy. John Wayne’s tough demeanor is breathtaking when the faΓ§ade slips as he speaks to his daughter about what she will inherit one day.  A must watch.
8)      Troy – I know, I know, Brad Pitt, shirtless, half naked – it should be the only reason, but honestly it isn’t why I love it. I love this movie because when I watch it I don’t see Brad Pitt, I see Achilles in all his tragic glory. I see this movie and I believe it is what happened. For a war movie with mythical implications of strength and bravery, that is saying a great deal in my book.
9)       That Darn Cat – (original 1965 version) yep. You read that correctly. Disney made this one based on a lovely cat caper book series and well something about this one has me giggling every time I watch it.  Dean Jones had one heck of a contract with Disney and this one had to have been a doozy. He is hilarious as the FBI Agent dealing with a cat as an informant. Animals are not expressed to be easy to work with in Hollywood and I imagine cats top that list. However Disney did quite a few feline movies, so hats off to the days of cat wrangling.
I had to make 10 a 3 way tie…these three just won’t let me select just one:
10)   North by Northwest (1959) – Cary Grant carries me off every time I watch this one. The simple story of mistaken identity is taken to a level only Hitchcock could do so effortlessly.
10b) The Princess Bride – As a young aspiring writer there is nothing like this fairytale to bring all fairytales to life. The cast aides in creating a world that little girls dream of being the princess within and the tale ends as though the last seconds of your dream are just slipping away. I love this movie. The costumes, the sets, the hilarity, the twists and some of the best lines of all time.

10c) Super 8 – it has been a long time since I went to the theater to watch a SciFi/possibly horror-esque movie. This one teased me enough to have me wanting to go at midnight. Alas I went at 8 p.m. on the opening day and went I stepped out of the theater I was grinning from ear to ear. I loved the cinematography, the acting was superb and the suspense was perfect.  JJ Abrams, well done.
So there we have it. My list. It is ever evolving but these ring true as top faves.

Thanks for visiting; I hope I gave you some new redbox/Netflix/amazon prime selections to add to your queue. If not, ah, well to each his own.


  1. I loved SUPER 8! You certainly have a diverse selection of movies on your list! :-)

    1. Thanks! I definitely lean towards eclectic with movies, music and television. This list was HARD! So many more filtered through my brain but each of these can be on repeat and I will never complain or lose interest.

  2. Wow,...That Darn Cat...I haven't thought about that in a long time. I loved that movie as a kid...great pick and great list.

    Also, North By Northwest is another classic.. :)

    1. Lol! That Darn Cat is truly something I watch often. There is another Disney obscurity "No Deposit, No Return" that frequents my DVD/BluRay player that is fab also.

  3. I too love North by Northwest! I like your list because it shows no pretense of box office or critical success, it says "this is what I like" and I like that:) I must admit that I did not "love" High Society, but did "love" the movie it was a remake of, The Philadelphia Story. Its on my list...though in the fine print of today's post...oh, wait, its later than I think...yesterday's post.

    1. I love that one too! Great comedy as well. I never have been one to build my favorites off critical acclaim. My music loves are just as eclectic and my favorite books tend to be as well. Don't get me wrong though I do not shun any genre, or any "thing" because of mass acceptance. I like what I like, if it happens to have widespread popularity so be it, if not, well I will love it just the same.

  4. The Princess Bride just missed my top ten. And I forgot all about The Usual Suspects.
    A little late is cool - thanks for participating in my blogfest!

    1. Alex this was a fabulous idea! I was so excited when I saw DL's post that I rushed over to your site! Lol and well then I realized that I ten was the number of loves...I almost cried.
      The Usual Suspects is beyond genius when it comes to story lines. The cast for that one is also top notch! Thanks so much for swinging by!

  5. I still haven't seen Super 8, I really need to get on that. I LOVED Easy A too. So funny and well done :)

    1. Easy A is quite possibly one of the smartest teen films of this decade. What a script!

      You must see Super 8 - it's almost like a tribute to it!

  6. Replies
    1. Thank you! John Wayne is a favorite of mine. This particular selection was my request as a child every time I was sick. It made me laugh and now to see how many people were in that movie that went on to great careers! Awesome.

  7. The Parent Trap was a fun one. I love that movie. Must have seen it at least 5x. :)

  8. McLintlock is great and love how they kept falling down the stairs:) High Society is beautiful and love Bing and Louie. North By Northwest-Great hitchcock film. hey there should be a top 10 list just of your fav. Hitchcock films. I love Strangers on A Train too

    1. What a great idea on the Hitchcock film list! Love his movies! Strangers on a Train is also a great one!

  9. Lots of great choices! Love those Cary Grants and Parent Trap :)

  10. I really wanted to LOVE Super 8, but for some reason all I could do was LIKE it. You have some really great selections here...definitely the making of a dynamite movie marathon one weekend! :)

    1. Thanks DL! I hope you add some to your "to watch" list! Oh I loved Super 8. I felt like a kid again watching that had such a nostalgic feel to it. Glad you liked it though ;)

  11. Excellent list! I forgot all about Empire Records. I need to see that again.

    1. Empire Records was one that came out in my last year of Jr High and it really touched me...I loved the soundtrack and I was just really turning the corner into high school and all the pressures that come with it. This story for some reason had me hooked and it still lives on in my mind as a wonderful memento of that age. To see the cast so I can watch it over and over again!

  12. I missed The Usual Suspects - shoot! Such a good movie. The Princess Bride is one of my all time favorite movies.

  13. The Princess could I have forgotten that one? I love that movie so juch! And is that Jane Austen's Emma?

  14. The Parent Trap! Great movie from my childhood. I completely forgot about that one.

  15. love that you had addendums!
    emma is a very good choice! and easy a was surprisingly good too!
    and of course, princess bride!

    sweet movie choices!

  16. Pretty fantastic list. EMPIRE RECORDS! YES YES YES! I adore that movie. I also love Princess Bride and Super 8 and Easy A. I guess I'll have to check out some of these other ones.

  17. Just dropping by from the blog hop (late I know!) to say you've got a great list even though our lists don't overlap.


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